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Cambiadores desechables Hand-E Playful Baby

SKU SHM-82180
por Hand-E
SKU SHM-82180

Cambiadores desechables Hand-E Playful Baby

Precio original $0.00 - Precio original $0.00
Precio original $0.00
$39.98 - $39.98
Precio actual $39.98

Estimated Delivery

Nov 20, 2024 - Nov 23, 2024

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Los cambiadores desechables de Hand-E están haciendo ondas, o más apropiadamente, estrellas y nubes. Estos cambiadores desechables premium, divertidos y con un diseño divertido traerán una nueva dimensión a la rutina diaria de su hijo.

Sabemos que cambiar pañales no siempre es tan divertido, especialmente cuando tu hijo hace uno grande. Es por eso que hemos fabricado nuestros cambiadores con materiales altamente absorbentes y a prueba de fugas, asegurándonos de que no termines ensuciando tu cama, sofá o silla. Además, la almohadilla tiene una función de olor única que bloquea cualquier olor, eliminando esos olores no deseados.

Los cambiadores desechables de Hand-E también se pueden usar como almohadillas para orina de perros y protectores para la incontinencia.

Protección de triple capa:
Los protectores de cambiador para bebés suaves y desechables Hand-E son los más absorbentes y estancos del mercado, con su protección de tres capas.

Prueba de fugas:
Este cambiador a prueba de agua protegerá sus muebles, camas y sofás de manchas de pañales, orina, pipí o caca. Estas almohadillas para bebés serán tus almohadillas para bebés preferidas para cambiar.

Bloquea el olor:
¡El cambio de pañales ya no olerá! Las almohadillas impermeables para bebés de Hand-E están fabricadas con un componente único resistente a los olores, lo que garantiza un bebé feliz y padres aún más felices.

Diseños divertidos y divertidos:
Se permite que cambiar a su bebé sea una actividad divertida y de unión. Nuestro cambiador desechable para bebés tiene diseños divertidos y coloridos para garantizar que a su bebé le encantará que lo cambien.

Usos adicionales:
Esta almohadilla para cambiar pañales también se puede usar como almohadillas para cachorros, almohadillas desechables y almohadillas desechables para cama. Hand-E es la ventanilla única para todos sus accesorios premium para bebés.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 22 reviews
Must have

While changing a baby these are a must haves

Absorbent and dry

These absorb really well and keep baby dry when accidents happen during diaper changes. I'm able to get multiple uses out of one pad, over several days. They actually seem to absorb better and last longer than PeekaPoo disposable pads, which is what I was using before these. I just wish these came in a larger pack. The starry design is cute, baby loves to look at them. Overall, these are great quality.

Korbie H.
Great for this anxious mom!

I hate changing diapers in public because I don't like putting my baby down on questionable surfaces. I do have a reusable diaper changing pad in her diaper bag, but, it's on the small side. Enter these lovely changing pads and suddenly it's much easier! These are very generously sizes while being transportable. I've kept a few in the diaper bag to use as needed, and it is so nice to have these to spread out for diaper changes while we are out and about! It also gives me peace of mind knowing that if we ever have a super awful diaper change while out and about that it'll be easier to clean up with these pads.

Sanitary, Waterproof, Absorbent, Diaper Changing Pads

These HAND-E are great diaper changing pads! I have tried other changing pads that cost as much or more than these that were not as large, absorbent, or odor neutralizing. If you want reliable diaper changing pads at a reasonable price, order these for yourself. The HAND-E pads would also be a thoughtful and useful baby shower gift.

Patricia R.
nice pads, really absorbent

will be buying more! perfect for changing my baby. Even with blowouts, no bigger mess than what it already is. definitely getting more

Yudelkys O.
my new go-to's!!

I can never run out of these.. they are the perfect size. so easy to use. I wish I would've known about these with my first child back in 2018.. comes in handy when you are on the go! disposable so you don't have to put them back in your bag and have those nasty germs and bacteria.. disposable is the way to go! love them and they are made of very good quality

Mark L.
A solid design

These work great for when you are out in public and need to change your child's diaper in a public restroom. Most of the changing tables are not sanitary. Using one of these pads underneath helps to eliminate that problem. Best of all when you are done you can toss it into the trash on your way out the door.


The media could not be loaded.  These pads are perfect for me to take on go. I like the design on it and they are definitely leak proof. Great to change diapers and for other uses. I really like them.

Hadiya V.
First time moms

I got this product to use for my newborn niece and nephew and let me see it works as stated on the packaging. I was changing their diapers, and they decided to test out the product on their own. There were no leaks on my bed, no foul odor lingering behind. It was almost as if they never did it.

Changing pads

This product would be a great baby shower gift. If you have a little one this would be great to keep in your car for in the go. It’s a small compact box that can fit in a small space. You never know when you’ll need to change your little one but with these you’ll know the area is clean with laying down the changing pad.

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