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FifthPulse Abdominal Wound Dressing 5"x9" Sterile - Pads 20 Pack


FifthPulse Abdominal Wound Dressing 5"x9" Sterile - Pads 20 Pack

Precio original $0.00 - Precio original $0.00
Precio original $0.00
$19.99 - $19.99
Precio actual $19.99

Estimated Delivery

Nov 20, 2024 - Nov 23, 2024

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Introducing FifthPulse Abdominal Wound Dressing Pads, the ultimate solution for effective wound care. These sterile pads, measuring 5" x 9", are meticulously designed to provide optimal protection and promote faster healing for abdominal wounds. With their superior features and latex-free composition, FifthPulse sets a new standard in wound management.

The FifthPulse Abdominal Wound Dressing Pads offer a generous size that ensures comprehensive coverage and a secure fit. Whether it's a small incision or a larger wound, these pads provide the necessary support and comfort for patients, allowing them to heal with peace of mind.

The sterile nature of FifthPulse Abdominal Wound Dressing Pads is a key advantage, ensuring a safe and hygienic healing process. Each pad is individually packaged and sterilized, minimizing the risk of infections and complications. This promotes faster healing by creating an optimal environment for the body's natural healing mechanisms to work efficiently.

Additionally, these pads are latex-free, making them suitable for individuals with latex allergies or sensitivities. The latex-free composition eliminates the risk of adverse reactions, providing a comfortable and irritation-free experience for patients with sensitive skin.

Invest in the exceptional quality and reliability of FifthPulse Abdominal Wound Dressing Pads. These sterile, latex-free pads will simplify wound management and support the healing process. With FifthPulse, you can trust that you are providing the best care possible for your patients.

These sterile pads, measuring 5" x 9", are meticulously designed to provide optimal protection and promote faster healing for abdominal wounds.

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