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De un vistazo: Ligero, fácil de impulsar. Altura del asiento regulable Características de seguridad: antivuelco y bloqueos de ruedas. Ma...
Ver todos los detallesDe un vistazo: Ligero, fácil transporte. Altura del respaldo ajustable Marco duradero y de larga duración. Antivuelcos abatibles Repos...
Ver todos los detallesESPECIFICACIONES CLAVE Capacidades de crecimiento integradas: No Capacidad de peso: 150 libras. Peso: 33 libras. Esta silla de ruedas...
Ver todos los detallesLa Viper de Drive Medical es una silla de ruedas versátil lista para usar y es más fácil de impulsar y transportar que una silla de ruedas de peso ...
Ver todos los detallesI am super thankful for the advise and support I received choosing the wheelchair and accessories for my mother, unfortunately she lives in Lima, Peru and I will take the chair next month to Lima, so I still don't know how she will feel, but I am pretty sure she will love it!
Every thing comfortable and efficient
Everything is Great
Health o Meter Digital Glass Scale with Anti-Slip Tread and Backlight
Great help with splash issues!
Amazing live it
So absorbant and less irritants.
This is the best to travel with. But the airlines are kinda rough. Parts come off and by the time you notice, it maybe too late.
A blessing in disguise! Easy to maneuver, father comfortable.