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  • Natural Women's Hair Loss Treatment - Shop Home Med
    Mordi Wolf

    Natural Women's Hair Loss Treatment

    There's nothing more frightening than seeing a clump of hair in your drain after a shower; it's nerve-racking. Questions begin flying through your head, why is my hair suddenly falling out? Will my hair continue to fall out? And most...

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  • What is a Patient Lift Used For? - Shop Home Med
    Mordi Wolf

    What is a Patient Lift Used For?

    For people who are mobile, we often take moving for granted. Our daily activities, jobs, and chores revolve around movement. From getting out of bed, walking to work, and settling down on the couch after a long day. But for immobile...

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  • Different Types of Patient Lifts - Shop Home Med
    Mordi Wolf

    Different Types of Patient Lifts

    It's time we talk about patient lifts.   When bringing home an elderly loved one or someone immobile, there are many details to consider. One of the more important ones is patient lifts for home use. Patient transfer is an...

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